Time changes everything, even you and I have changed

♥Ira Haruka♥

Irah is what people call me
04/08 turn one year older
18 dis year

My Hubby♥

Ira & Firdaus

Daisypath Anniversary tickers

The rain, the winter spring has made us fade away


I really wonder how you feel on these nights so alone


AYU ♥[cuzz ]
Rifqah Wrss ♥

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“Its Every 14 Of The Month”
April 2010 May 2010 June 2010 July 2010 August 2010 September 2010 October 2010 November 2010 March 2011 May 2011 June 2011 August 2011

Saturday, August 28, 2010 || 9:50 PM

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I'm hurt by your words sayang , please believed me that i wont fall in love with other guys , u are my one & only love , u told me just now if i would have told u this last tyme mayb we will not be together , what were u trying to say ? dier yg suke kn i , not me ... please lah u i tknk our relationship to end ... PLEASE !! i love u damn much .... its up to u lah ... if u dont caye i tkle pakse ... i just want u to know that i love u !! only u !! * CRYING *

Sunday, August 22, 2010 || 9:20 PM

Irah Cintakan Firdaus

Wednesday, August 18, 2010 || 9:15 AM

Back to update , so top pic show that my nick name have change (YUMIKO HARUKA)
so 8 days tk update , wat have happen ehk , ouh ya skool holiday for 2weeks (bdk2 ITE je)
seriously holiday BORING gila jack , duk umh je , kuar pun tk selalu cause kena do house cleaning maklum lah raya nk dkt agy 3 weeks ehk , apa2 lah .. skipskip !

So today 18 august , gonna meet my brother & sister of YAMAZAKURA , like finally meet them , miss them so much ... first person gonna hug is ayu , hehe .. so yea will upload pic taken to FACEBOOK ,at night ... gonna snap2 pic like many2 ... so till here

Tuesday, August 10, 2010 || 1:49 PM

Hey readers , kayy really damn mendaq now in class was planning not to msk class but end up here i am in class bt till 3pm je , then belah g lpk tempat biase... *sukesuke* =) kayy bdk2 primary/secondary all tk skola happy lah dorg duk umh kn , haha so them mendaq ..
Kayy as all muslim know tomorrow da puasa , so jgn g dapur pagypagy and carik mkn ye , haha bulan puasa taw ... tkle mkn , so yea bsk puasa confirm tired gila at skool , and of course not gonna lpk from tomorrow onwards ... so wait lah till finish puasa ..
People2 lagy 4 days to my monthsary , yahoo !! *happyhappy* =) so deeply in love with my syg siol , aku syg dier giler babi , sape2 berani rampas dier dari aku , jaga ar kalau kepala korg tk jatuh bwh naseb lah ehk , bt seriously aku tk suke org menggatal ngan laki aku , sape2 berani aku patah2 kn tangan korg and gigi korg ntah hilang aru tahu ... *muahahahaha* cam btol je aku niie taw *winkwink*
K lah really blank rite now , otak dh tk tahu apa agy nk type , ouh ya smlm celebrate national day with love , fiq and norlin , mendaq giler at first , but bila nk kt alik satu2 giler , laugh at me cause why ?? aku MELATAH giler babi , Ooooh suke ye aku melatah ... jaga korg ... haha
K lah *byebye* update soon kayy baby ... love u *muacksMuackz*

Wednesday, August 4, 2010 || 10:29 PM


Ira sygkn firdaus sgt2 , ira tknk sape2 agy yg ada dlm hati ira selain FIRDAUS ...
nk tahu asl ira cry , ira sad lah ibu ira asik ckp yg one day ira will patch back ngan my ex-boi kimak ira tknk seyy , ira syg kn firdaus sorang !! PLEASE ! PLEASE ! PLEASE !

|| 9:37 PM

Nari kn Ira nye BIRTHDAY taw , and ira happy sgt2 cause brother2 & sister2 ira semua wish ira , tk pernah2 taw semua kwn2 ira wish ira , and not to forget my SAYANG ! and i also get birthday wish from my 8years fwen , thankz darlink ... anyway birthday will pass soon next my 4monthsary with love ... YAHOO ! so happy