Time changes everything, even you and I have changed

♥Ira Haruka♥

Irah is what people call me
04/08 turn one year older
18 dis year

My Hubby♥

Ira & Firdaus

Daisypath Anniversary tickers

The rain, the winter spring has made us fade away


I really wonder how you feel on these nights so alone


AYU ♥[cuzz ]
Rifqah Wrss ♥

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“Its Every 14 Of The Month”
April 2010 May 2010 June 2010 July 2010 August 2010 September 2010 October 2010 November 2010 March 2011 May 2011 June 2011 August 2011

Sunday, June 20, 2010 || 1:31 PM

Had great fun yesterday with love , meet hym at 1.00pm at B&S then off to cwp Cathay to watch karate kid , it was super awesome and i feel like watching it again ! After that went off to orchard and meet up with zam love fwen , after that go smoke , we stand outside cineleisure for like 30min i tink ,then went off to skate park and stay there till 6.30 somewhere there ...

After that we went our separate ways , zam and her fwen went to watch movie while me and love went KFC as i was hungry so yea eat2 then off to OG as love wanna look for fallen shoe , wow tell u the truth all the shoes there was totally killing my eyes , it was wow !! and i'm so gonna buy my new shoe there ...

K lah after all the walking , i was in pain at my backbone but still wanna walk but end up we went back home as love ask me to ... board the train didnt get to sit as train was super pack , alight at admiralty and bought drinks and 7/11 then walk home , love send me back ... [sweet rite]

Till here , so will update real soon when i have the tyme to do so kayy !!

Wednesday, June 16, 2010 || 10:43 PM

This friendship of ours is no longer standing strong not even close enough to build back this friendship i had treasure for 8 years , we have been doing our own things since the year 2008 , we are not like wat we use to be , the fun we had during the pass ... i just miss those tyme with that gurl up there ... never did i know that our friendship will end just like that and it's hurt alot to see this friendship i treasure go down the drain ... hmm

Will i get this kind of friendship again ? will this happen to me again in future cause i also lost my 8 month of friendship last month so it's quite sad & hurt for me , and i'm scare that i will lost more friends in future ... :'(

Till here really got no mood to blog ...

|| 12:10 AM

Hey readers , sorry if irah have not been active with this blog of my , been lazy to update my blog so as my tumblr , so since i got nothing much to do i will just update this blog of mine !

So the previous post was my hubby , thankz for updating my blog love ... appreciate it alot .. so long tyme nvr update where should i start , ohh ya last 2 days was my 2nd month with love , didnt celebrate on that day but will be celebrating on the 19 June as we have already plan this last month , we will be having a double date with my bestfwen ayu !! Really cant wait looking forward for this Saturday !

Our double date have been postpone for like 2 times , so hopefully this tyme round will not postpone again , but if it happen again then i will only go out with love to watch movie but not sure wat movie should we watch ... so yea that bout my date .....

Tuesday, June 15, 2010 || 9:08 PM

hi there !! im fir.. hmm.. i just hav the feeling to post sumtink.. hehe.. so today didnt do much.. wake up around 10+ , woken by my sister knocking on the front door.. hais.. she didnt go to work.. hmm.. im felt sad bout my sister tat she quarrel with her husband.. hmm.. okae!! don talk too much bout wat happen.. hmm.. today mit irah at blk 522 around 3+.. hmm.. we go lpk around 4+.. wow!! mendak seh.. but still i not tat bored with her by my side.. hehe.. around 5+ went back home.. fetch her home den went straight home.. hmm.. im bored sak!! donno wat to do.. haiyoh!! around 7 meet my sister at blk 607 i think.. hang out wif her n went smoking.. haha.. blablabla.... went to mac at admiralty buy Mcspicy burger!! haha.. my favourite!! wohoo!!! but still im hungry!! hais.. today will be sleeping late.. want to hear MJ12.. hehe.. best!! okae.. tats it!! bored rite.. haha.. will update again soon.. bye2

Wednesday, June 9, 2010 || 10:37 PM

Just for you my SAYANG :
Having u right now is the best thing that have ever happen , Being ur bby gurl since 14/04/10 was the day i have been waiting for , Since 14/04/10 u take care of me with ur fullest heart , U have been giving me all the love that i ever wanted in life ,

U make me feel as if i'm the only princess in the world I feel touched when u make me feel that way ! U nvr fail to make me smile each and every second when i'm with u,

Wonderful boifwen like u will always be treasure
I will not wanna waste my tyme when ever i'm with u I will treasure all the moment we had together Nvr will i forget a great boifwen like u

Ur name , Ur smile , Ur laughter will always be kept inside this heart of mine and nvr will be replace by any other guy out there , cause my heart is only open for a guy by the name FIRDAUS

14/04/2010 will always remain in my heart & in our lovestory !!

|| 10:00 PM

EloW!! I'm fir.. haha.. irah now bz with her tumblr.. hais.. soo, now i wanna update this blog... just dont wana it to look empty.. soo, i just wana tell u wat happen today..

Today , i wake up at 7.30.. WoW .. im late..FOR SKOOL!! hais.. others has started their holiday..blablabla.. i reach skool around 9 sharp..(wow late 4 an hour..) in class didnt do much things.. was sleeping.. haha.. im tired sak.. after skool around 12, went to irah's house.. hang out there till 8+ .. haiyoh.. mcm2 happen.. hehe... reach home around 9.20, if i not wrong.. hais.. teros gy mkn.. haha.. lpr seh.. (tuh larh sape suro tk mkn kt umah irah..) hehe...

baby!! just wana tell u tat i love u soo much... u always make me happy .. u always at my side.. i dont wana waste my precious tyme wif u.. i felt alone wen u are not wif me.. i only need u i my life.. dont ever leave me.. love u so much bby!!! MUACKKZZ.. no one cn replace u in my life..

Monday, June 7, 2010 || 3:57 PM

Follow me at my tumblr darlinks ! But will still keep this blog of mine as there is to many pass which i wanna read ! =) Pass which will make me cry , smile , laugh ?? haha

Friday, June 4, 2010 || 2:24 PM

will update real soon ! not feeling well need to rest ...

Wednesday, June 2, 2010 || 6:15 PM

Goodbye my fwen , 8 month of fwenship gone just like that ... Thank amirul for everything , you are a great fwen to me , thats why i can still tahan with ur perangai till now bt since this is end of our fwenship , just takecare of urself !

Ira sedih hilang amirul sebagai kwn rapat ira , amirul satu2 nye kwn lelaki ira yg ira sayang , amirul je lah kwn lelaki ira yg tk pernah lupe ira ... thankz amirul , and goodbye !!! :'(