Time changes everything, even you and I have changed

♥Ira Haruka♥

Irah is what people call me
04/08 turn one year older
18 dis year

My Hubby♥

Ira & Firdaus

Daisypath Anniversary tickers

The rain, the winter spring has made us fade away


I really wonder how you feel on these nights so alone


AYU ♥[cuzz ]
Rifqah Wrss ♥

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“Its Every 14 Of The Month”
April 2010 May 2010 June 2010 July 2010 August 2010 September 2010 October 2010 November 2010 March 2011 May 2011 June 2011 August 2011

Wednesday, April 28, 2010 || 10:22 PM

Kayy yesterday irah never post anytink , lazy ar ! so as u read the previous post , it was from sayang ! the poem is so sweet ! thankz syg for the poem , i will post u a poem when i have the tyme to tink of one kayy !

So eventually today , school should end at 4 but as i was damn lazy & sleepy so decided to skip LFC & PE lesson that was at 1pm after lunch , so yea when back woodlands with ayu of cause , then lepak with syg at blk 521 !

All we did was talk crap at first but things get serious after that as we start talking about our pass relationship , what is the meaning of love all , i was like hmm okayy did not concentrate much as i was sleepy !

So after talking all that , went back at 4+ cause ayu da lapar nk mkn , so send her to bus stop , then syg send me back home , at night i meet him again at 8+ , but just for awhile , have to send my sister to her religious class , so yea ! waited outside ...

Thats all bout my day ! so till here will update if i'm not lazy ! bye takecare ! =)

|| 6:23 PM

Hi to all , just wanna to my girl this poem... hope she like it..

This is for u baby,

Hatiku dan tanganku terbuka untukmu,
Menunggumu untuk berkongsi cinta kita
Membuatmu bahagia selalu,
Senyuman dan pelukanmu di dalam rinduku

Senyumanmu yang bercahaya
Menenangkan dengan gaya lembutmu
Tiada tempat lain untukku
daripada hatimu untuk selamanya

Bergandengan tangan adalah impianku
berharap kamu berkongsi cinta kepadaku
Hidup denganmu akan menjadi sebuah cerita dongeng
dimana cinta yang indah tidak akan pernah gagal

Aku memilih untuk menjaga perasaan ini
mesejku ini sekarang sudah jelas
Aku menghargaimu mulai hari ini
sampai ke hari dunia ini hilang


Monday, April 26, 2010 || 9:46 PM

Back for my nite post ! Been a sad day for me today , i cried in front of syg just now , just cant take it anymore and i have to let out the feeling in my heart , i just feel hurt this way , why must i face all this ? my head will burst soon seyy !!

wow headache seyy , haiyo !! please help me !! i just cant face dis alone , i need someone to hug , i need a shoulder 2 cry on , :-'(

Till here no in a mood to blog !~ bye

|| 3:08 PM

Hello readers !!

Irah now got nothing to do , so i feel like updating this blog now , actually got no story for today lah , but in my mind there is to many problems that make me hurt , make me feel like crying also have , make me like killing someone also have taw !! too STRESS

Somemore looking at my bestfwen ayu , sedih sak , cian taw dier ! she is so damn stress that she cried just now , ayu jgn sad2 kayy darlink , i will always be by ur side honey . no matter what problems u have do approach me k , if i cn help i will !

K now back to my problems , haiyo susah nk ckp , been 3 days tk talk to my mum , haiz sedih2 !
k lah i gtg , mayb i will update ltr or ask my syg to update k , bye readers !

14042010 [ irah & firdaus ]

|| 9:22 AM

Irah is in skool today ! yahoo kind of happy to be back in skool , so firstly went skool with my besti ayu , meet at 7.45 gitu at B&S , board the train towards pasir ris , then reach skool at 8+ , lesson start at 9 today ends at 5 , haiyo so late ! nvrmind i will still go skool no matter wat cause tknk kecawa kn syg & my fwens !
So now irah tk pay attention lah dlm class , mendaq seyy , hmm now surfing the net , download video semua , hehe =)
K lah mlm nnt irah continue my story k , takecare bye

Sunday, April 25, 2010 || 6:26 PM

hey guys!! its me , fir.. today will be short n simple.. today is extremely boring day.. hmm.. i n irah plan to mit around 1.30 but we mit around 2+.. haha.. im late.. lucky she didnt majok.. hehe.. sorie bby.. as usual we hang out, hav a chitchat.. around 4+ we went back home.. (its damn boring..) haha.. but im happy to see my irah!!

so that's all that happen today.. boring rite.. hmm.. but, i hav a lot of fun with my bby..!! muack!! love u bby!! btw dont forget 2moro u are skooling alrite.. im happy that she would lyke to continue her studies.. syg u!! till here..bye2

Saturday, April 24, 2010 || 10:29 PM

Watsup readers !actually irah got nothing to update lah today , just that tknk my blog to be empty so yea today did nothing much , meet syg at 1+ but while only till 4 i tink , so lepak2 then smoke2 , now irah mendaq , syg went bowling with him family , haiyo rindu dier lah

k lah till here wanna watch jihan then sleep cannot sleep late , nnt syg marah aku ! hehe
so nyte2

Friday, April 23, 2010 || 7:01 PM

Yo readers ! Irah still feeling down rite now , not sure why but mayb cause i just break up my fwenship with my bestfwen , hmm , why must we end this fwenship ? why ? we have been fwen
for 8yrs but is just end up like that ? apa niie ! haiz nvrmind lah , i noe i still have to be strong & i still have burah , ayu & ruth by my side !

Anyway just now dpt msg frm my marzianah , she say that he's no longer around ! i was like huh ? who ? so tk caye kn so kol her lah , she told me aqilla ckp that adam is no longer around ! i was like huh ?! serious pe , susah nk caye ar ! she told me to wait for her msg bsk , so yea wait lah ! hmm kind of sad jugak lah
heard this news ,hmm .... i lost my bestfwen now i lost adam !

what is happening to my life ?! it use to be a wonderful & enjoyable life but now lots of bad thing have happen , from friends , to family and to skool ! haiyo ! aku stress sak cam niie ! why must i face all this problems ! i try to change but i cant ! i try to be the old me but its just to hard ! what was i like in the pass ?! am i totally different from what i use to be ? am i ?

I began to realize that i have totally change , change till i cant find the old me again ! hmm am i suppose to think what i was like in the pass ?! will i be successful if i continue this way !! haiz ! pain in my heart when people keep taking bout me ! pain in my heart when my own bestfwen leave me , totally pain in my heart which will leave a scar behind when someone who have been with me & care for me like his own sister is gone forever ! cn i turn back the time and say that i'm sorry for changing my attitude ! Cn i ??

i feel like crying out loud but i find it hard to let go all this problems ! will running away solve all this ?! No it wont , it will cause more problems , cn i be alone for a few days to let go all the problems in my life ?! must i be in this situation ?! must i ?!

i'm blank ! i'm gone ! i'm down ! i'm hurt ! i'm STRESS !!

Thursday, April 22, 2010 || 7:48 PM

Hi to all readers, im fir..hmm, im quite dissappointed with irah's decision to quit skool..i lyke, WAT!! serious pEr!! hais.. i'll try to understand her for quitting skool.. its lyke too young to get a job.. and quit skool with 'N' level cert only.. !! hais.. (bby , im saying this, is to let u noe that education is important..) hope she make a right and final decision to quit.. hmm.. i noe that skool is bored .. bby fyi, i also bored to go to skool and also feel lyke quitting jgk.. but i noe that education is more important.. hmm.. sorie to say all of this .. BUT wherever u go i will still support u alrite.. LOVE YOU BBY.. !!

btw dont be sad alrite bout your friendship.. Cheer Up Okae!!

|| 7:10 PM

To Marzianah :

If u tink being my fwen is a piece of SHIT ! then back off from my life u fucker , we have been fwen for 8yrs but u still dont understand me ! what for we be fwen for so long if u dont understand what i want in my life ! You tink i like to be control ?! Hello its my life and its up to me what i wanna be , who are u to ask me to change , Ehk gurl mak bapak aku tkde ckp apa2 psl aku , ko tk paya nk suruh aku berubah ar ! hidop aku sak ! and one more thing , u tink i'm a piece of shit rite , starting from now we are no longer FRIENDS ! ko & boi bole berambus lah dari hidop aku yg cam sial niie !

Thankz for the 8yrs of friendship and i dont tink we cn stay any longer , it's a hard pain to let go of this friendship , but ur attitude have come to a point where i have to break this friendship ! good bye my fwen !

To My Sayang :

Syg sorry if i buat u kecewa psl i nk quit skool , , but no worry i will find a job and do my job properly i tk sampai hati seyy nk ngok u disappointed , but this is the best choice i can make , 1week been lazy to go skool , sick is the first reason one more i have no mood to go skool after what my own bestfwen say to me , syg i hope u understand kayy kayy ,

I just feel like crying now , i da hilang my bestfwen ! 8yrs of fwenship gone just like that ! hmm ...
:-'( .. haiz once again sorry syg !

|| 1:12 PM

I'm quitting Skool !

Okayy basically irah wanna update on skool , so yea i'm planning to quit skool , why ? haha damn lazy to wake up early morning lah ! so skool is going to be a history for me now , so da tk skola kn apa lagi , have to work lah , so finding job now ! should i make my own business ? or just work part time ?!

If i plan to open up my own business what should i sell ? hmm stress lah like dis haiyo , never mind find a job first lah , k so gonna miss my dearest classmate OE ! tomorrow last day at skool for me , wow gonna cry seyy ! haiz ... bye fwen keep in touch kayy !

k lah till here at nite i update kayy ! not in a mood ar ! bye

Tuesday, April 20, 2010 || 10:07 PM


So i think i should post for her..i'm worried about her..(bby ! get well soon k) hmm.. so where should i start.. okae.. today my gurl didnt turn up to skul coz she was sick.. BUT, she waitin for me outside my skul around 12+.. she wanted to fetch me and i did asked her to rest.. so after my skul i met her jus outside my skool.. we went to the nearest blk to smoke as usual.. (hais!! she sick pon nk smoke..ape dh) after smokin, we went to northpoint.. we didnt noe where else to go.. lyke mendak gyler sak!! hais.. wen back to woodlands den lepak at RC 611 till 4pm.. we chat , laugh and more..(all should not noe..hehe) at 4pm we went back , but raining sak.. as usual i walk her home.. we re all wet wen reach at her blk.. (dh lame sak tk mandy hujan..haha) i had fun with her todae , and im sure she had it too!!

k larh till here.. jus wait for other post alrite.. and i wan to tell her again

|| 9:52 PM

Irah Not Feeling Well ! Arrgh ....

K not gonna post much , basically irah not feeling well since yesterday & give skool a miss today , wow been skipping skool dis few days , not lazy actually but i'm just not fit to go skool ! and syg also did ask me to rest , so rest lah , hehe !

k lah till here , mayb my syg will post later if he is not lazy lah ! so nytez !
aku cintakn firdaus sgt2 !

Monday, April 19, 2010 || 9:33 PM

Boo Ya ! Okayy So yesterday irah nvr post anytink , damn tired seyy thats why , so now here i am blogging so gonna talk bout today only lazy to tell bout yesterday lah , hehe but yesterday was fun lah , thats all i cn say !

instead of going So today actually skool start at 9 but as me & ayu lazy to go skool so guess what , we lepakskool and syg was there to , so meet ayu at B&S at 7.45am like that then board the train to admiralty meet syg there , hmm after that me & ayu was lapar [ perangai gemuk ] so we beli nasi lemak but both tk habiz kn makanan ! hehe then as usual after eating smoke ! all was tired so first we waited for bob [ ayu boifwen ] at his blk but to bd he was at his grandmother house , so walk all the way to 611 and lepak there , guess what ayu sampai tertidur seyy , she's tired so irah got nothing to do , kacau my syg ar apa lagi kn ! hehe [ kte je yg tahu apa jadi ]

so blablabla , all was hungry apa lagy g KFC at 888 ar mkn , hehe , yup syg belanja me [ love u , thx syg ] so mkn2 terus berambus ke blk 611 again , lepak till 4 , all muka nantok then ayu wanted to alik , me & syg da tk tahu where to go , so lepak at ayu house till 6 then aru alik , hehe .. mendaq seyy but overall had fun lah with them ! [ syg korang ]

k lah thats all i cn say , irah da penat sgt ar nk type , so yg lain cite pandai2 carik lah , hehe ! till here nyte2 !

irah syg firdaus !

Saturday, April 17, 2010 || 9:45 PM

Aku Sayang Firdaus !

As u see the previous post was from my sayang , so swit of him to post all that bout us , i'm so gonna love him even more , so as u people read that post , it will tell u how much he love me !
as u noe when i was reading the post i feel like crying , i have never felt this way before , he really make me wanna cry , SYG ! i really love u so much & i'm willing to be with u forever ! i'm happy with u , u are not like those type of guys who i noe before ! u are totally different from them ! that's why i'm in love with u !

Syg dont worry of losing me , cause i will never want to be apart from u syg , i need u & i want u to be my last guy ! i will love u as much as i love my family ! we will never be apart and we will face all problems together in future !

Aku Sayang Firdaus Sorang !
14042010 Couples !

My Furst Post For Her..
|| 8:13 PM

Hi to all!! Its my first post for her blog.. i didnt had a blog for my self.. so... Here is the story that i want to post.. hope u readers lyke it.. btw im firdaus, irah's boyfren ..

As u all know that we been frens for 1month plus rite.. half of that 1month, i had a feelings for her.. i just kept it to myself.. i found out that she is kinda kind-hearted person , most caring gurl that i have ever met.. and for me she is the cutest gurl that i have ever had.. hahaa, she is really shy person but daring.. this is the last gurl that i will love.. i will give her my fullest heart.. my sister did tell me that irah is suits for me.. so i was lyke !huh!! nvrmd.. i alwaes happy with her , we laugh out loud everytime we meet.. she was fun n really damn CUTE...

Bby!! i will LOVE u 4ever.. hope all problems we will face in the future, will not separate us.. i want u for the rest of my life.. can u?? I LOVE YOU!!!

Wednesday, April 14, 2010 || 11:14 PM

Look up ! That's firdaus i have been talking bout , now he's my boifwen ! 140410 ! love love him seyy , so yea he's my syg now ! so how it happen ehk , wanna noe continue reading ye !

i told him bout my feeling towards him and guess We first noe each other on the 10 of march 2010 , so it have been 1month i noe him as my fwen , then as days goes by i start to have this feeling of love & care towards him ! so on the 12 of aprilwat he himself had fall in love with me ! OMG!

status in relationship then ask him when did we stead , he say now , so i accept ! yahoo So yea then just now , after hang out at blk 521 went back quickly on my lappy and saw his fbfinallyattached with the guy i love ! syg u lah firdaus =)

k till here i wanna sleep , nyte

|| 7:53 AM

So happy ! Happy ! Happy !

Hey readers ! Guess what's my feeling rite now ! [im damn happy] wanna noe why ?! so i will start from the beginning of the story which was last 2 days ago ! So yea on monday at 7.30 as usual send my small sister to her religious class and as usual Firdaus accompany me ! As u want to noe i had a crash on him and i have been keeping this feeling to myself for almost 1month , so cant keep it any longer so i told him my feeling towards him lah ! [malu sak aku bilada lang dia]

So he told me he was shock & happy also , i was like okayy , so we continue chatting as per-normal then yesterday was my super damn shy & happy day siol , yesterday at 7.45 wwent to RC blk 521 cause my adeq wanted to do her hmwk , so went there firdaus accompany us again , went back at 8+ going to 9 , when we reached under my blk suddently firdaus ask me to tell him face to face what i ave told him on monday i was like HUH!! WHAT !! DONT WANT LAH !!
Then had no choice so yea told him everything face 2 face and i was shy seyy , OMG ! The most gerek part was when he told me that he already have feeling for me like long time ago ! i was shock ! SERIOUS KAPE U ! then he say yup ! Irah feel like so happy and cant believed that he also have feeling for me ! wow ! happy lah irah...

So thats the story , hehe but officially have not stead yet lah ! wait for the up coming post and i will tell u more bout us ! anyway gtg cause i have to attend skool which start at 8 and i'm still at home ! muahahaha better go now later late for CS lesson .... Cs lesson start at 10am ! so byebye ! takecare readers !

Irah love love love him !!!

Sunday, April 11, 2010 || 11:12 PM

Skool !

Kayy will be a short boring post , tomorrow start skooling already , wow after 3weeks of holiday i'm like to lazy to go skool , have not even done my project dateline 30 april ! OMG ! gonna fail my OSA seyy like dis , kk nvrmind i'm tird n wanna rest so tc & gdnite !

Monday, April 5, 2010 || 11:38 AM

Look up ^ photo taken on 040410 , hehe ! so today's post will be bout yesterday , and my boring monday ! so yesterday had fun at my anak sedare birthday party ! and guess wat i ate alothaiyo ! must diet already ! so waited for the rest of my cuzz to arrived and at around 5+ went back home , b4 going back we had our photo taking session ! haha , as usual ..... damn tired after all that took bus home ! [home sweet home]

So bout my Monday , my pp8 was low and i'm not sure when i will top up , but then suddenly my sweet and kind admired hmm top up for me , and first i was like hmm its okayy , but then he still top up for me , not $10 but $128 , OMG ! so kind of him to top up for me , wow ! i really have to thank him ! so now here i am using this sot2 lappy , haiyo ! damn bored , but ltr going out with firdaus , buy ?? and go lpk ! hehe

So till here damn bored lah using this lappy , got to go and mandi ! so takecare !